Heart Quest

HeartQuest (HQ) is an advanced, non-invasive, evaluation system that monitors the heart rate variability or HRV and analyses the human biorhythms and regulatory systems.

This computerized system allows healthcare practitioners of any field to quickly monitor the rhythmic patterns of the heart rate by extracting data from an electro-cardio signal in the broadband frequency.

It also enables practitioners to objectively look into the many regulatory systems of the body and see first-hand the effects of their therapies and treatment, thus measure if the patients’ conditions are improving or not.

HQ is often utilized alongside other evaluation methods as supplemental diagnostic information for the patient.

HQ is used to follow indices of the autonomic nervous system, neurohormonal system, psycho-emotional state, brain electrical activity, meridians, and chakras in relation to the endocrine system. It analyses the intricate web of interconnections regulating our highly complex physiology.

What are the Benefits of HeartQuest

Clinical experience has shown that HeartQuest can be used to review health parameters. The benefits include assessment of the following:

  • Autonomic nervous system
  • Neuro-hormonal system
  • Psycho-emotional state
  • Biorhythmic activity
  • Biorhythmic activity
  • Meridians, chakras in relation to the endocrine system

How does it work

Heart rate variability (HRV) is the physiological phenomenon of variation in the time interval between heartbeats. It is measured by the variation in the beat-to-beat intervals.

The importance of heart rate variability is that it is controlled by the autonomic nervous system and therefore is a window into its function.

The autonomic nervous system (composed of the sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system)

A healthy heart rate variability is reflected by lots of variation in the time domain between successive heartbeats. This would indicate a very robust autonomic nervous system.

Someone with less variation between one heartbeat to the next has low heart rate variability and indicates decreased autonomic nervous system regulation.

The second component of heart rate is the spectral analysis. The ECG is broken down into very specific frequency bandwidths that correspond to specific functions. Within these various frequency bandwidths are the proprietary information unique to the HQ.

The HQ diagnostic system analyses the intricate web of interconnections regulating our highly complex physiology.

It also determines the status of the neuro-hormonal system, brain waves, biorhythms and circadian rhythms, meridians and chakras, and overall vital force.